Get your staff to make more returns on your investment using perceived value at ZERO cost!

In the realm of resorts and hotels, the bedrock of an unforgettable stay isn't just luxurious accommodations; it's the warmth and competence of the staff. The power of well-equipped employees extends far beyond guest interactions it transforms visitors into loyal patrons. In this blog, we delve into how empowering staff with sales skills and good practices can elevate the guest experience. Additionally, we'll share a real-life example of how a small, polite request for a review led to remarkable changes in a resort we recently encountered.

1. Turning Sales Techniques into Guest Delight

Exceptional hospitality begins with staff who possess not only impeccable customer service skills but also a keen understanding of effective sales techniques. These skills allow them to offer upgrades or additional services in a way that feels personalized and enhances the overall guest experience.

Implementable Practice: Training Sessions: Resorts and hotels can organize regular training sessions to equip their staff with the art of upselling and cross-selling. Practical role-play exercises can help staff develop confidence in recommending services without coming across as pushy.

2. The Human Touch: Personalization and Empathy

The heart of hospitality lies in the personal connections staff members forge with guests. Well-trained employees take the time to comprehend individual preferences and unique needs, from dietary requirements to room preferences and special occasions.

Implementable Practice: Guest Profile System: Resorts and hotels can implement a system that tracks guest preferences and past experiences. This data can be used to personalize each guest's stay, creating a sense of being valued and cared for.

3. Active Listening and Swift Solutions

Attentive listening and quick problem-solving are invaluable skills. When staff members listen attentively to guest feedback and promptly address concerns, they turn potential disappointments into positive experiences.

Implementable Practice: Feedback Loop: Establishing a guest feedback system allows for real-time issue resolution. Resorts can use this feedback to make continuous improvements, ensuring guests feel heard and valued.

4. Anticipating Needs

Going beyond guest expectations is a hallmark of exceptional service. Staff members who can anticipate guest needs, whether by replenishing amenities or offering thoughtful gestures, create an atmosphere of genuine care.

Implementable Practice: Proactive Guest Services: Resorts can encourage staff to anticipate guest needs by empowering them to make decisions that enhance the guest experience without needing approval for every small gesture.

5. Building Trust Through Knowledge

An informed staff fosters trust. When employees are well-versed in the property's offerings, local attractions, and services, guests are more likely to rely on their recommendations and trust their expertise.

Implementable Practice: Ongoing Training: Regular training sessions can keep staff up to date with the latest information about the property and the surrounding area, enabling them to provide valuable insights to guests.

6. The Power of Psychological Satisfaction

Psychological satisfaction, the feeling of being valued, understood, and cared for, is the linchpin of guest loyalty. It's the emotion that keeps guests coming back and recommending your resort or hotel to others.

Implementable Practice: Polite Review Request: A simple yet powerful practice is politely asking guests for reviews. Encourage guests to share their experiences, as it not only provides valuable feedback but also fosters a sense of being heard and valued.

Real-Life Example: The Polite Review Request

We recently had the pleasure of visiting a small, charming resort tucked away in the serene countryside. The owner, during our stay, kindly asked if we would consider leaving a review to share our experience. This simple, polite request struck a chord with us. We felt our opinions mattered and that the owner genuinely cared about our satisfaction.

Over the next few months, we noticed subtle improvements in the resort based on guest feedback from reviews. It was a testament to how small, implementable practices can lead to significant positive changes. The owner's dedication to psychological satisfaction transformed our perception of the resort, making us not only loyal patrons but also enthusiastic advocates.


Implementing exceptional hospitality isn't an abstract concept it's a tangible practice that resorts and hotels can adopt to create lasting guest relationships and foster loyalty. As we invest in empowering staff with sales skills, good practices, and a deep understanding of psychological satisfaction, we unlock the potential to elevate the guest experience and create lasting impressions.

Remember, it's the human connection, the personalized gestures, and the small yet meaningful practices that leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of guests. In the competitive world of hospitality, these practices set exceptional establishments apart and inspire guests to return time and time again.


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